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Eight commonly observed symptoms may be present in varying degrees in individuals who have been Falsifying Type. This collection of symptoms can include:

1. FATIGUE. Prolonged adaptation can require the brain to work up to 100 times harder, which can result in up to 100 times greater energy expenditure. This can be observed as:

  • a growing fatigue that is not alleviated by sleep
  • an increased need for sleep but an interference with the quality of sleep obtainable
  • decreased dreaming
  • further sleep deprivation
  • exhaustion
  • a tendency to crave specific foods and/or ingest high fat/high sugar snacks in an effort to get "quick energy." The result can be a weight gain with all the stressors that being overweight can generate in our culture
  • a tendency to self-medicate in an attempt to try to alter brain chemistry—neurotransmitter ratios—and make oneself feel better. This is often accomplished through some type of addictive behavior (e.g., caffeine, nicotine, alcohol)

2. HYPER-VIGILANCE. Prolonged adaptation can create a state of hyper-vigilance as the brain goes on protective alertness. This is a safety mechanism and can show up in a variety of different ways:

  • the brain can be temporarily pushed toward introversion. As indicated by data gathered using the BTSA, this is evidenced as a decrease in the individual's natural extraversion level. It requires tremendous energy to maintain this state of protective alertness (in other words to keep the lens of the brain open wider) which can contribute to fatigue
  • there can be a temporarily increased sensitivity to environmental stimuli (e.g., light, sound, odors) that can impact relationships both personal and professional
  • there may be an observed change in the type of activities the individual gravitates toward. Previously enjoyed activities may be discarded in favor of less gregarious situations. Sometimes the individual appears to be isolating the self from others, (perhaps in an effort to decrease the amount of stimulation that the brain must process)

3. IMMUNE SYSTEM ALTERATION. Falsifying Type can be thought of as the individual living a lie at some level. Lying can suppress immune system function (e.g., can temporarily shrink the Thymus gland) which can negatively impact one's health. Symptoms that can be seen include:

  • slowed rate of healing (e.g., following a cut or abrasion)
  • an exacerbation of autoimmune disease symptoms
  • an increased susceptibility to illness (e.g., colds, flu)
  • an increased risk of developing cancer

4. MEMORY IMPAIRMENT. Cortisol, released under stress, can interfere with memory functions. Examples from Robert Sapolsky's book, Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, include:

  • Decreased ability to lay down a memory, to store data in long term memory, or access/recall the memory at a later date. This can involve a decreased utilization of blood sugar by the Hippocampus which, in turn, can create an energy shortage
  • Diminished neurotransmitter function. Metaphorically, the "phone lines are down." This can reduce effective neuron communication. The mind becomes muddled and there is often a concomitant reduced ability to concentrate
  • Increased production of free radicals that can actually kill brain cells from within

5. ALTERED BRAIN CHEMISTRY. The prolonged adaptation can interfere with hypothalamus and pituitary function which, in turn, can interfere with hormonal balance. This may be observed as:

  • decreased growth hormone
  • decreased insulin secretion
  • decreased reproduction functions
  • an increase in the production of glucocorticoids (that can prematurely age the Hippocampus)
  • a possible alteration of Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) integrity.

6. DIMINISHED FRONTAL LOBE FUNCTIONS. Prolonged adaptation (viewed as a significant stressor) can interfere with functions typically associated with the frontal lobes of the cerebrum. Symptoms can include:

  • a decrease in artistic/creative endeavors (e.g., writer's block)
  • a reduced ability to brainstorm options
  • a reduced ability to selection the "best option" in a critical situation
  • interference with the ability to make logical/rational decisions
  • increased injuries due to distraction and/or making mistakes
  • slowed speed of thinking or clarity of thinking