Article Index

  • Frontal Lobes: The frontal lobes functioning together are seen by many to be the abstract problem solving regions of the cortex. And, indeed, this statement is generally true—especially when one is contrasting the functional capabilities of these two regions with those of the posterior regions. Nonetheless, when looked at in detail and compared with each other, it is also clear that while actively solve problems, they excel at solving quite different problems. Moreover, this difference in "what they do well" is directly linked to key differences in how they function.

    The frontal lobe on the left side seems to function in a manner which allows it to measure precisely and process logically. Mental tasks which we identify as: functional analysis, critical analysis, prioritizing, comparative analysis, cost/benefit analysis, identifying key factors, assigning a weight or value to each factor, identifying desirable strategic alliances, all of which use both logic and precise measurement, are readily accomplished by the frontal left, especially when the problem is one of correcting something that was at one time, but no longer is, functioning adequately; improving efficiency or functioning; fixing something that has been fixed before, successfully, making a logical, next-step improvement to an existing procedure, process or machine. As such, the frontal left lobe appears to be the home base for Jung's Thinking Function.

    By contrast the frontal lobe on the right side seems to function in a manner which allows it to see patterns and trends as well as use its imagination. Mental tasks which we identify as: pattern recognition, perception of trends, spatial rotation, creating or inventing new solutions -- all of which are readily accomplished by the frontal right, especially when the problem is one of which is difficult to solve, has never been solved before, involves change and dynamic systems, and or in which all the data can never be known. As such, the frontal right lobe appears to be the home base for the Function Jung called Intuition.

  • Posterior Cortical Convexity: A new name given to that portion of each hemisphere which is located behind each Frontal Lobe. In the middle of the 20th century, this area was known as the "Sensory Lobes" and it was believed that all incoming information came through the senses to these areas to be stored , so that the frontal lobes could "think about the information at some later point in time. Although the term sensory lobes is no longer used, the three portions of each posterior section are still referred to by name. Thus researchers discuss the specialized tasks of Parietal (having to do with touch), Occipital (having to do with sight) and Temporal (having to do with sound) Lobes of each hemisphere. Of interest to the casual observer is the fact that the posterior cortical convexity is almost equal in size to the frontal lobe. Thus for purposes of analysis, the human cortex is divided into four equally sized areas: the left frontal; the right frontal; the left posterior cortical convexity; and the right posterior cortical convexity.

    In discussing this simple fact with Dr. Karl Pribram, former Director of Stanford's Behavioral Research Labs, Dr. Pribram observed that: "The amount of space allocated to something in the brain, as well as its proximity to something else is always significant. Space is not wasted. Nor are two specialized areas placed right next to each other unless there is a functional connection."

  • Electrical Resistance: Any situation, chemical or structure which interrupts or otherwise impedes the flow of electricity through a particular pathway. Typically, more work or energy is required to flow through these paths with higher levels of resistance, simply in order to overcome the higher levels of resistance. Two known truths about resistance: 1) the work done to overcome higher levels of resistance is often observed as "heat"; and 2) generally, all else equal, energy, currents and rivers naturally flow along the path with the least resistance.

  • Cortical Electrical Efficiency: According to the work of Dr. Richard Haier of San Diego, the natural level of electrical resistance varies across the cortex, such that in one area a person's cortex can be shown to have much higher level of resistance to the flow of thoughts than in another area of their cortex. Moreover, Haier's research has shown repeatedly that most people have one area which enjoys a much lower level of electrical resistance — using only one one-hundredth the oxygen / energy - when compared with all the other areas of that person's cortex. Thus, when the person is thinking with or using the one portion of their cortex which enjoys this markedly lower level of resistance, that person is using much less energy to think than they must use when thinking with the other areas of their brain. From a resource management or conservation perspective, we can observe that the person is being naturally efficient when using the area in which they enjoy a lowered level of cortical resistance. Whereas, they are being markedly inefficiently when thinking with any of the other areas.

  • Preference: The functionally specialized area of a person's cortex which is fun and energizing for the person to use because it is highly efficient.

  • Competency Development: Cortically speaking, the repetition of any action can produce increased efficiency. The increased efficiency, however, even with Mastery, is one of only five to ten per cent. Thus practice and mastery are important, in that they save energy and guarantee a higher rate of success. Competencies developed in a person's nonpreferred, inefficient areas, however, are not nearly as helpful for that person as competencies developed in their Natural Lead Function.

  • PASS — Prolonged Adaptive Stress Syndrome: The name given by Dr. Arlene Taylor to the syndrome found in persons who have been Falsifying Type for a extended period of time. The syndrome is similar to PTSD, but lacks a viral aspect and or any clear causative, traumatizing event, such as sexual assault. PASS includes: fatigue, hyper-vigilance, immune system suppression, memory impairment, altered brain chemistry, reduced frontal lobe function, discouragement or depression, and self-esteem problems.