Analytical Psychology

Is Analytical Psychology a Religion?

After speaking at the Harvard Tercentenary Conference Jung spent a week at Bailey Island, Maine, giving the first half of a seminar on "Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process," based on his 1935 Eranos lecture. Afterward, Jung traveled to New York City for another week of consultations and lecturing, and he sailed for England on October 3.

The Basic Postulates of Analytical Psychology

From Chapter 9 of Modern Man in Search of a Soul.

Arbus and her Archetypes: A Jungian Analysis of Diane Arbus and her Photography

A young boy in Central Park, mouth agape, his hand contorted in a claw-like position, holding a hand grenade. A man posing naked, a mask of white makeup and lipstick, his penis tucked between his legs.

Sleepwalking Through the Apocalypse

On September 11, 2003, the C.G. Jung Institute of Santa Fe sponsored “The 9/11 Memorial Address” for the citizens of Santa Fe.

The End of Meaning and the Birth of Man

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