Analytical Psychology

The Dark Side of the Self, September 11, and a Depth Psychology of Terrorism

This paper describes the terrorist attacks of September 11, and the political response to them, from the point of view of their unconscious underpinnings, both personal and archetypal.

The Serpent's Prayer: The Psychology of an Image

In the margins of a notebook in which he recorded dreams and composed poems, a young analysand doodled a serpent. The creature's slender body was bent such that its posture mimicked that of a person kneeling in prayer.

Shadow Dancing: Meeting Your Secret Self and Becoming Whole

Psychologist C. G. Jung once said that all change is experienced by the ego as a death. It's a long, slow process to develop into the person we are.

Interview with a sesame seed

Sesame is a plant of Asian origin, today widely spread over the Middle East, where it is used to prepare fabulous sweets such as helwa, or doughnuts covered with the characteristic little white seeds.

Shehrazade and the Jealous King

A psychoanalytical interpretation of the Thousand and One Nights must necessarily begin with the prologue, the overall frame that introduces Shehrazade as teller of healing tales.