Analytical Psychology

The Meta Theory Of Transcendence

The profession of nursing with its rich diversity will benefit from a theory that is simultaneously inclusive, exclusive, reductive, and expansive. This article introduces the reader to such a theory.

Jung and Analysis: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

In November 1993 in the pages of the New York Review of Books, literary critic Frederick Crews assembled for review a number of books which had as their object to bring into serious question, or even to demolish, the reputation of Sigmund Freud, a project to which Crews gave passionate consent.

Psychology and the Business World: The Spiritual Journey of the Corporate Warrior

The human mind has a remarkable propensity to dream, and whether in our waking hours, or while asleep, each of us has the ability to move beyond our existing framework, in order to consider new realities, new potential and most important of all, new ways of undertaking even the most simple of tasks.

The New Consciousness and Spirituality

This book is about spirituality: i.e. about that existential attitude with which a person tries to respect the will of a power superior to himself in addition to his own will in making his decisions; the power may be invisible, yet can be experienced.

Wounded Masculinity

There is a particular soul need in western minds, for good to triumph over evil in our external world. Seldom do we internalise this soul need in terms of our own daily actions, thoughts and feelings.