Analytical Psychology

"Good-Bye England's Rose" The Queen of Hearts: An Experience of the Archetypal

A few weeks ago, I found myself in the extraordinary position of being in England during the tragic death of Diana, Princess of Wales. As the week swept along, the upset, sadness and love were powerfully present.

Gazing at the Machine: An Alchemical Approach to the Millennium Bug

Some argue that there is spirit in matter, that technological disaster can be seen as matter's revenge for man's development of consciousness.

On Being a Lesbian Jungian: A Self-Interview

I am a lesbian. I am also a Jungian. Given the homophobic and heterosexist foundations of analytical psychology, I wonder some days how I can authentically be both.

Clinical Psychopathology

On a cold overcast morning in September 1971 I arrived in Zurich to begin my training as a psychoanalyst. Part of my studies involved regularly attending clinical demonstrations at the local psychiatric hospitals.

"Now We Are All post-Jungians": An Interview with Andrew Samuals

For many years well-known British Jungian analyst Andrew Samuels has been a perspicacious, and often provocative, commentator on the present and future of Jungian psychology.