Analytical Psychology

Sounding the Soul: The Art of Listening

From the sound of it, Kittelson knows what she is talking about in this delightful, phenomenological account of how hearing matters to us.

Valedictory Address for Marie-Louise von Franz

Valedictory address for Marie-Louise von Franz at the burial service held in the Reform Church, Küsnacht, Switzerland, on February 26, 1998.

Mourning and Metapsychology: An Archetypal View

The theme which I shall be exploring in the pages that follow (in no way my own invention, though always and inevitably my own discovery) is as revolutionary for psychology as the heliocentric vision of Copernicus was for astronomy and the other scientific and humane disciplines.

Response to Wolfgang Giegerich

Anima East and West: The Female Guide of Love in Plato's Symposium and Kundalini Yoga

At first glance, any comparison between the platonic ladder of love and Indian Kundalini yoga might look absurd since the latter seems to defy any relation to Western philosophy or religion.