Analytical Psychology

Transformation: Emergence of the Self

A-thirty-five-year-old woman once came to my office to discuss some recent dreams. To my astonishment, and also my everlasting gratitude, she told me a dream of such profound transformation that I never have forgotten it.

Mythos and Terrorism: A Response to September 11

The terrorist attacks of September 11 shocked the world's imagination. Barely past civilization's most bloody century, once again we are reminded of the depths of human potential for inhumanity.

Escaping to the Angels: A Note on the Passing of the Manic Defense

There is an affect that comes before creativity and an affect that comes, if it comes at all, only afterwards.

Erotic Transference and Countertransference: Issues of Ethics and Soul

In our profession life, as well as our non-profession life, the psychological process of erotic transference and countertransference is ever present guiding or manipulating not only our lives but those others for whom we have sensuous feelings.

Some ideas about the father's body in psychoanalytic thought

I am theorising that the father's body is part of the necessary knowledge of an infant and a growing child. Furthermore, I suggest that fathering puts a man in touch with himself, and brings into being a heart which men sometimes feel they do not have.