Analytical Psychology

Visionary Rumors and the Symbolism of the Psychoanalytic Movement

The work of historians might be viewed as providing pinpricks of light in a great sea of darkness. The areas of light are those past events and periods of time that are well-understood and where other historians have travelled before.

The Symbolism of UFOs and Aliens

One of the subtle mega-trends in American culture in the second half of the twentieth century has been UFOs and alien symbolism. Whether the early events centering around Roswell, New Mexico and such groups as Project Blue Book are true or not, what is a fact is that interest in aliens came onto the "radar screen" of American culture around the late 40s.

The Palace Of Illusion: The Rise and Fall of a Grand Mythology

The final decades of the twentieth century, has seen the Freudian legacy come under increasing attack. The attack began in the late 60s and early 70s with the beginnings of revisionist Freudian scholarship in the work of scholars such as Paul Roazen, Henri Ellenberger and Frank Cioffi.

Collaborative Filtering, Engage & Webmining ... The Internet Store Moves Closer To Reality

While the entire internet might be considered a store, the practical application of this will be that the most effective websites will themselves become interactive stores where each click further defines the product/service interests of the site visitor or "store" customer.

Six Cardboard Boxes Full of Love Letters And Old Picture Postcards: The Search For Jung's Symbol

One of Carl Jung's major contributions was exploration of that ancient philosophy called symbolism and symbolism's contemporary expression through symbols. Now, almost half a century after his death, it's ironic that Jung's life is beginning to merge with the target of its lifelong exploration, and, starting to become a symbol itself.