Analytical Psychology

Analytic Psychology, Analytic Philosophy: Sociobiology and Archetype

What I want to explore here are some ideas that seem at first glance inimical, but which seem to me related at a very deep level. The recent discipline of sociobiology, with its emphasis on laboratory research and careful speculative extension of ideas, may seem a polar opposite from the ideas of Jungian psychology and analysis.

Frau Holla

A widow had two daughters, of whom the one was beautiful and diligent, the other ugly and lazy. She liked the ugly and lazy one much better, though, and the other one had to do all the work and was truly the ashpuddle in the house.

The Frog King or Iron Henry

In the old times when wishing still helped lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful, but the youngest was so beautiful that the sun, itself, which had seen so much, marveled whenever it shone in her face.

Cat and Mouse in Company

A cat had made acquaintance with a mouse and had gone on so much to her of the great love and friendship which she bore for her, that the mouse finally agreed to live together with her in a house and to keep a common household.

The Loose-Leaf Fairy Tale Book

For some time I have had a recurring and relentless fantasy. That fantasy has been to re-translate or, simply, to produce a new translation of the two hundred fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.