Analytical Psychology

My Road to Jung

or How I Ended Up 10,000 Feet Under the Ground

It turned out that I would have many confirming dreams about training, applying for training, and about Jung himself. Early on, however, my road to Jung was paved not by initiatory dreams or visions (at least, I do not recall any), but by a sequence of pivotal events in my life.

Taoism and Self-Actualization

Seven key principles and ideas from the ancient Chinese philosophy, Taoism, are discussed in terms of their relationship to self-actualization: the Way, fasting the mind, following impulses, assisting nature, yin and yang, who knows what's good or bad, and the usefulness of the useless.

An Interview with Allan Guggenbühl on Adolescent Violence

Murray Stein interviews Allan Guggenbühl

Being Jungian In Today's World

When Editor Carol Atkinson suggested I write something about Jungian psychology for the Bulletin, she opined that Jungian thought had become popular in various segments of our community, but notably not among psychologists.

Who Wants Whom to Believe What?

In these uncertain political times we are all prey to the persuasive rhetoric of possible presidents, supreme courts, all politicians, the media, and anyone else with a voice.