Analytical Psychology

A Rolling Deal Gathers No Loss

In the past few years, there have been a number of comparisons of business with entertainment. While it's little surprise to most that entertainment is business, a growing thread of discussion suggests that business is really entertainment.

Maximum Conditions of Darkness

The first days and weeks after the September 11th event was an extraordinary time to observe some of the machinery behind the American symbol making machine. It was also an opportune time to see the symbols being sent into battle against America.

The Long Birth Of Psychohistory

The psychohistory list is one of the most unusual on the Internet. I've been a member of it for almost five years and still it is impossible to gauge the daily messages its members will conjure up.

Friendly Persuasion: The Postmodern Ubiquity Of Advertising

For many years, American advertising was able to trick the masses into thinking needs in life could be met by consumption of the products and that they were a form of agent of the gods bringing divine messages to mankind.

The Franco-Prussian War or Jung as Dissociationist

I want to begin my contribution to this panel with a disclaimer: I should not be here. For years I have been looking for a reference on the influence of the French psychology of the late nineteenth century on Jung's thought. I found not one article, but four, and all by the same person: John Haule in Boston.