Analytical Psychology

The Self as Alien: Anima as Heroine

Much has been written by the founders of archetypal psychology regarding the power and immutability of the image. James Hillman asserts that "images are the fundamentals which make the movements of psychodynamics possible".

The Wounding Shadow of the Word: Relinquishing Control in The Tempest

In discussing Derrida's view of Western literature, Geoffrey Hartman writes that "Western tradition has been marked . . . by a metaphysics of light, by the violence of light itself, from Apollonian cults to Cartesian philosophies."

Eating Disorders and Myths

This is a study about eating disorders and how they inhibit the personal development of women exactly at the time when she has greatest opportunity to express herself.

The Archetypal Journey of Diana, Princess of Wales

One by one the flowers, presents and messages were left in front of the royal palaces of London, until the parks were covered in this dense and soft layer of pure sentiment.

Howling to the Moon

From one day to the next we wake up different. We are somewhere between 38 and 50 years old, but until that moment eternally 20, with all the time in the world in front of us and every path still open.