Analytical Psychology

The Opposition of 'Individual' and 'Collective' Psychology's Basic Fault

Not everything painful is a truth. But very often truth is painful. I consider it the job of psychology, of psychoanalysis, to try to bring out and say the truth. Of course I do not know whether what I will write here will actually be the truth; this is not for me to decide.

Wolfgang Giegerich Responds to Greg Mogenson

Analytical psychology and Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin

This paper should not be considered a scientific work, but simply the expression of a few ideas, supported by Buddhist and Jungian bibliography, and a "basis of discussion".

The Innermost Kernel: Depthpsychology and Quantum Physics

This thesis focuses on the dialogue between the physicist Wolfgang Pauli (1900 - 1958) and the depth psychologist C.G. Jung (1875 - 1961). The central question of the thesis asks: Why was Pauli interested in Jung's psychology, and how was this interest expressed?

Jung and Gender: Masculine and Feminine Revisited

Last December I was invited by our local Jung Society to participate in a panel discussion on Jung and gender. I was specifically asked to discuss how I saw Jung's ideas about masculine and feminine as relevant or out-dated in my analytic work.